The Puma MB.03 has arrived in a brand new colorway! The color schemes on these MB.03 “Hills” kind of remind me of the Air Max 95 OG… | Instagram

How to determine the optimal number of Puma workers when there are multiple Rails application in one server? · puma puma · Discussion #3087 · GitHub

Why the advice to have a connection pool the same size as your Puma threads is (probably) wrong for you | tekin.co.uk

High memory usage Heroku (v5) · Issue #2393 · puma/puma · GitHub

30-40% performance difference between single and clustered mode with one worker · Issue #1387 · puma/puma · GitHub

Set a new default for the Puma thread count · Issue #50450 · rails/rails · GitHub
Kathryn T - 2025-03-07
it's as described and fit is perfect. Great price for the quality!