Looking for advice how to make these more comfortable to wear! The heel part (on the inside) is SO hard and constantly rubs on my heels causing blisters. I've even tried the

Looking for advice how to make these more comfortable to wear! The heel part (on the inside) is SO hard and constantly rubs on my heels causing blisters. I've even tried the

New shoes blues? Easy ways to keep your feet blister-free

How to Stop Blisters from Converse | TikTok

How To Break In Converse (FAST, Painless Methods) - Wearably Weird

How do ya'll break in your Converse? It's been almost a decade since I've gotten a new pair. It fits perfectly, but I have slightly wide, and rather flat feet. (A half
Bigmomma1964 - 2025-03-07
I gave these slippers as a gift and my friends love love love them.